Since blood pressure tends to increase with age, some medical societies argue about the effectiveness and safety of treating older adults for high blood pressure Overall, older adults should aim for lower blood pressure numbers but a blood pressure reading of 90/60 mm Hg or lower is considered too low (hypotension)If you develop high blood pressure for the first time in pregnancy, you will be assessed in a hospital by a healthcare professional, usually a midwife, who is trained in caring for raised blood pressure in pregnancy What is high blood pressure There are 3 levels of hypertension mild – blood pressure between 140/90 and 149/99mmHg (millimetres of mercury);The average blood pressure range if you're healthy is between 110/70 and 1/80, although this varies a lot in pregnancy Your doctor will tell you if your numbers are high She'll diagnose high blood pressure if your top figure (systolic) is 140 or higher, or your bottom figure (diastolic) is 90 or more There are three grades of high
What S High Bp For A Pregnant Lady March 19 Babies Forums What To Expect